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Novinky, aktuální informace,
akce, fotky a vše co se v Klubíčku
šustne najdete na našem Facebook.
Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s.
Albertova 4062/8
767 01 Kroměříž
Tel.: 737 206 708
Provozovna 2:
Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s.
Gorkého 2565
767 01 Kroměříž
IČO: 26602024
Číslo účtu: 2400142787/2010
European solidarity corps
Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s. is a non-profit non-governmental organization, was founded in 2002. We are a Family Center. Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s. is an accredited ESC sending, hosting and coordinating organization. PIC: 946747937 OID: E10127680 Family center „Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s.“ lying to the east of the Czech Republic, in town Kromeriz, is a center of joint meeting of families with children. Center offers community space, education, counseling and leisure time activities. The ESC projects are focused primarily on the target group of children, as well as their parents and the general public to cultural, language and educational activities. Our volunteers work primarily with preschool children (3-6 years) and school children (6-15 years). Our ESC projects aim at mutual enrichment and acquiring new competencies and skills for volunteers. Volunteers participate in Klubíčko programs and activities of the center, but are also able to participate in the partner organizations: primary schools, secondary schools, grammar schools and a library. Activities in which volunteers engage: English nursery, Playgroups, Afternoon Club for elementary school children, Afternon with Montessori elements, dance, art and ecology activities, teaching English and French, suburban camps, tourist activities for families, clubs for parents and children with special needs, activities with a cultural or sporting focus, miniproject representing the country, language and culture of volunteer etc. Visit the European solidarity corps wesite here
Dwayne Holt
Volunteer from Portugal
November 2022
Magnolia Bard
Volunteer from France
October 2022
Isabella Carbone
Volunteer from Italy
April - July 2022
Marie Neau
Volunteer from France
September 2021 - March 2022
Maxime Groult
Volunteer from France
September 2021 - July 2022
Soňa Hašpicová
Volunteer from Poland
October 2019 - March 2020
eMotanice 5/2019
Amets Viola Martinez
Volunteer from Spain
November 2018 - November 2019
eMotanice 1/2019
Raquel Olmedo Nieto
Volunteer from Spain
November 2018 - November 2019
eMotanice 1/2019
Emily Keppler
Volunteer from Germany
September 2017 - October 2018
Conor O´Shea
Volunteer from the UK
September 2017 - September 2018
Verónica Pérez Santana
Volunteer from Spain
September 2014 - September 2015
Veronica's blog
eMotanice 1/2015 - Special edition Verónica and Georgia
Georgia Baker
Volunteer from the UK
September 2014 - September 2015
Georgia's blog
eMotanice 1/2015 - Special edition Verónica and Georgia
Lucile Franzinetti
Volunteer from France
June 2013 - May 2014
eMotanice 6/2014 Special edition with Lucile
Iida Tenolahti
Volunteer from Finland
September 2013 - February 2014
Blog Princess diaries - My life as an EVS in Czech Republic